Following the success and critical acclaim of their last single “Jacket Weather”, UK indie rockers Camens are back with a brand new single. The Stoke-on-Trent band’s latest, “On The Walk From The Picturehouse”, is the perfect follow-up to the last release, further cementing their status as a band to watch – especially impressive, as they’ve only been around since last year.
“The song plays around with the idea that seeing someone you like and then taking them out can be similar in many ways to seeing a trailer before you watch a movie,” the band says of “On The Walk From The Picturehouse”. “In both situations, it’s not until you take the plunge that you’ll know if you both “click”, or if the film is all you hoped it would be.”
“Jacket Weather” is still on regular rotation for me, so a new Camens track is always welcomed. “On The Walk From The Picturehouse” has a similar indie rock style and catchiness to the previous single, while managing to stand out on its own proverbial two feet. The vocal style is so unique and compelling, and matches perfectly with the bright yet fuzzy guitar riffs. It has such a great energy to it; truly the ultimate “good mood” song, just in time for summer. As far as I’m concerned, Camens can do no wrong – and this latest single is a prime example of that. Do yourself a favour and give this song a proper listen, and then go back and get acquainted (or re-acquainted) with their previous releases.
Stream “On The Walk From The Picturehouse” by Camens on your preferred platform:
Spotify / Soundcloud
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