A lot of the artists on this week’s list are new to me, and likely new to you too! We’ve got great Canadian acts (as always), but also some crazy talent from countries all over. Check ’em out!
Brandon Hart – “Stayed Here”
Serious energy on this one – it’s catchy, and hard not to dig right off the bat. Brandon Hart created “Stayed Here,” as an open letter to a friend who passed away: “Instead of a sad song, it is intended to be a wake, the song you sing at the top of your lungs, arm in arm with a friend.“
Moroccan Dog – “Spring”
Next up is Moroccan Dog, which is a Seattle band led by the godson of Chris Cornell and mentored by Bill Rieflin (REM). This track is a part of their upcoming EP, and we’re liking their sound a lot. This song had a great moody indie rock sound, and the chorus really hooked us in.
Pink Leather Jackets – “What You’re Doin’ To Me”
Loving this rocker from Pink Leather Jackets. if you’re a fan the the Nil, PUP, and Glorious Sons, this song sounds like it could be the badass love child of all three. Turn it up, get into it, and look out for more from these guys!
Blvck Hippie – “If You Feel Alone At Parties”
I once described Blvck Hippie as a band for fans of The Strokes who like their songs a little more moody – and I stand by that. Here’s another solid track, “If You Feel Alone At Parties”. From the artists: “We’re a Sad Boy Indie Rock band from Memphis, TN tryna show Black kids they can be weird too.” Give it a listen, and embrace you inner weirdo!
Ok John – “They Don’t Wanna”
Here’s little 90s style alt-rock for this week’s list – always a favourite of mine, of course. All the way from Brazil, Ok John has just released their latest track, and it’s a bright, energetic song with just the right amount of rock ‘n roll.
Typhoid Rosie – “Queen of Swords”
Love the energy of this track, and it kicks in right away – this is a mix of indie rock vocals and punk guitars, with the addition of gang vocals to make it even catchier. “Queen of Swords” is “a defiant track about self-preservation and setting yourself free from toxic situations and people”.
S:Bahn – “Exhaustion”
Solid post-punk track up next, for good measure. Australia’s S:Bahn always bring the liveliness, and a mix of influences and sounds. “Exhaustion” is about “railing against all the things we have to do and say every day just to get a bit older….”
Tushar – “July 20”
Another Australian artist to close off this week’s list! Tushar brings some solid passion and spark with this track – it’s such a great mix of rock guitar and pop vocals. Catchy and fun, but still edgy enough to keep us listening.