About Joan of Arkansas
Joan of Arkansas is a five-piece noisy power popish band from Scenic Downtown Phoenix, Arizona, known for their sweat-drenched live shows and endless genre bending (power pop, noise rawk, stoner metal, punk, 70’s glam, and 60’s garage rawk are all up for damn grabs in the blender). Formed in 2021 during the crappiest parts of Covid, JOA has become insanely prolific releasing 4 EPs and 1 full-length, with plans to release 3 more EPs in 2025 to a considerable amount of positive press and reviews for such a small band that doesn’t tour and probably won’t because of day jobs and paying rent and stuff.
Although, If Pixies need an opening act, The Day Job Can Go Screw Itself.
Joan of Arkansas is:
Kayla Long- Vocals
Joshua Lynch- Bass and Vocals
Zach Bird- Guitar
E.P. Bradley- Guitar
Sean Harris- Drums
ABOUT The High Four EP- released on December 13th, 2024
“Four high volume pop bombs that are equal parts sugar and gasoline.
At this point, J.O.A. just feels like we’ve hit our stride. We understand each other almost subliminally at this juncture. We know each other’s tendencies and wants and because of that it is like the productivity hose has been pinned on.”
– Joan of Arkansas
“We are at heart, a super Phoenix-repping band and no one writes songs about the valley. It just doesn’t happen. This song is inspired by the mass exodus that happened in 2000s and 2010s with pretty much every arty teenager here. They spread all over the country looking for greener pastures but always came back because home is home even if it’s flawed.”
– Joan of Arkansas
Stream “Omaha, Oh Nomaha” on Your Preferred Platform
For any more information on the artist, email pr@fromthestrait.com